Windows Appliance

Stuff I find while rooting about.
This one is really stupid. Apple shipped iPods with a virus RavMonE.exe (also know as Backdoor DIJ). This goes on to infect all removeable drives you insert. With me that would be a lot. OK so this is not the first time a product has been shipped with a virus. I think the 1st time I heard of something like this was Adobe. But Apple after screwing up says on their support page
As you might imagine, we are upset at Windows for not being more hardy against such viruses, and even more upset with ourselves for not catching it
These days I spend a considerable amount of time in Excel, analysing logs. I know there are applications to do this and I would be shifting to a scripted aproach sometime soon, but some amount of manual stuff will still have to happen.
Prashant bough a new NAD C 352 amp and was not happy. Says it sounds to critical on many of his CDs. We have swapped amps for a few days. I alove his amp. Its much more detailed than my C 320 and the sound is some how lighter.
Philips seems to want to take their Ambi light thing further. The amBX PC speaker setup has lights on top of each speaker to make your room glow with the color on your screen, and fans to blow when breeze blows in your game.