Stuff I find while rooting about.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Audio Accessories

I love audio. Always looking for ways to tweak my audio system. There are loads of sccessories to add on but most of them are over hyped nonsense. The Audi-Oh seems to be the most fun audio accessory for women. It seems to hit just the right note with them somehow.

Its all in the eye of the beholder.

Now that I have a digital camera (Canon A95) I guess I can go out and take some fun pics. These pics by Heather Firth of natural rock formations allow your mind to play tricks on you. Fun. Fun.


Cookies. Yummy. (Not the ones the mess with your browser, Cookies to eat) And these cookies are even more fun. Ahh! I have food on my mind.

Your kid works in a call center doesnt she?

India Daily report on phone sex call centers in India.

Goverment gaurd dog outsourced?

The FBI's Carnivore seems to have been shutdown, in place of box pack software. Security Focus has the article.

Sunday, January 16, 2005


[Playing : The Best Tina Turner All The Best]
My mouse won't work on PS2 or serial ports. And the mouse is fine. Its my PC thats acting stupid. Anyway I have managed before with keyboard alone. But its a bit tiring. Trying out a new plugin for foobar.
Will let w.bloggar pickup he song titles as it does in Winamp. So now you people will know what weird music I listen to.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Destop Search once again

I was not too happy with MSN Toolbar's Desktop Search. Not really comfortable with the UI.
Today Yahoo is in the act and has the Yahoo Desktop Search Beta. It seems to have a whole bunch of file types supported. Will install it tonight and see how it goes.

Friday, January 07, 2005


MS Tweakomatic Scripting Tool for Win XP looks like fun. And the page does not at all read like a typical MS page.