Stuff I find while rooting about.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Is she hot for you? Or just infected?

Australia's reports on a parasite - Toxoplasma gondii that turns men dumb and women wild. Read the whole thing here. Studies of the parasite on rats show "These behavioral changes increase the chances that the rat will be eaten by a cat" Ouch!
Hmmm, if we can source some gen mod version of this for the office water cooler.

Knife how-tos

I always wondered how to sharpen a serrated edge knife. I saw guys flattening out the teeth trying to sharpen it. Tutorial here.
They have amazing multi use knives.

Bruce Sterling watches Hindi movies?

Bruce Sterling's blog at Wired, has an entry about Sushmita Sen in the movie Fiza as his last post of 2006.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Amazing look

originally uploaded by brian boulos.