Stuff I find while rooting about.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Google talks

Nicky told be about Google talk. Its shamefull, I know. A definitely non techie invites me to this service. Ah well its good she did. Its wonderful. Its light. The audio quality is so amazing. But how does it do audio through a (peered) proxy server, that too with high latency and low available bandwith?

Not blogging

Hey, I have not been blogging at all. Well I guess that doesnt really matter to any one else as I can think of just three people who read my blog. I have no internet at home as my subscription got over, and my new ISP has still not installed the connection. It does not really matter as my PC as gone totally dead. I have to wait to get a new one as the NForce 4 motherboard I want is not in stock till the 2nd of next month.
Why dont I blog from office? Well have been doing to many other things at office, dont really get time to blog. I shall try from tomorow however.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Mumbai floods on Flickr update

Wet Light
Wet Light,
originally uploaded by trayser.
Now some more photos are appearing on flickr. In fact theres a pool.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

New MS portal

Microsoft has a new (Beta? Alpha?) portal at Looks good. Light. Its only at the bottom do you see any relationship with MS. Click on the start preview logo in the upper left of the site. It give a friendly drop down to add/remove feeds.